Hello, demonhearts and visual novel enjoyers! I'm glad to say that we've been making good progress on the last chapter, although it's taken longer than the prev...
I've been polishing the existing content in various places. One scene that got some new lines is a scene in Chapter 4 where the main character thinks about Vita...
In this update, I've edited and polished some lines in the existing chapters for better flow. The meaning has stayed the same. The only exception is a line that...
This month, I've continued working on the last chapter in-game, adding choices and polishing the content that exists so far. There was a complicated part near t...
Hello, demonhearts and VN enjoyers! Since the update which added Chapter 6 to the game, I have been working on the text for the remaining, final chapter. So far...
This update adds some more lines and changes some existing ones, in chapters 2 through 5. The main focus of these changes has been the relationship between Kais...
Hello again! I have been working on the text for the final chapter, in which you'll be able to choose which of the surviving characters to side with. :') It wil...
In this update, I've reduced the amount of Kaisar Approval needed for some options and consequences in Chapter 6. Some of you have said that Kaisar didn't invit...