Devlog - September 2023

Hello there!

I'm thrilled to share an update on the progress of Demonheart: The Cursed Trial. It's been a journey filled with inspiration and dedication, and I want to thank you all for your patience and support.

I've finished writing and scripting the final scenes for Chapter 3. The plot twists have started, so I have to be careful about posting screenshots. ='D All the scenes are now fully playable, currently only available to me for testing. There's still work ahead - testing and ensuring a smooth logic flow to make sure everything feels just right before I release this chapter.

I'm grateful for all your support and feedback in the early access, which are crucial in shaping the final product, and in my feeling like I'm not in this story alone.

I'm considering early access on Steam, and itchio purchases come with a Steam key. Wishlist the game on Steam!

Thank you for being a part of this journey. I can't wait to share more of the Cursed Trial with you soon!

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I'm so glad I jumped in on this early! It's been such fun!


Glad your doing well ,Cant wait to chapter 3 when its ready .😁